
Voluntary Prekindergarten and School Readiness Plus


Voluntary prekindergarten (VPK) and school readiness plus (SRP) are publicly funded prekindergarten programs that support children and their families for success in kindergarten and beyond. The funding allows school districts and charter schools with Minnesota Department of Education-recognized early learning programs to incorporate a VPK/SRP program into their E-12 system as a new grade level. 

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Program Administrator

Program Administrator

June Reineke


A child who is 4 years old by September 1 in the calendar year in which the school year begins is eligible to participate in VPK or SRP. Each eligible child must complete a health and developmental screening within 90 days of program enrollment and provide documentation of required immunizations.

For more information on eligibility, view the "Student Eligibility" section below.

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Teacher plays with child in a classroom
More Information

Currently, both programs serve a total of 7,160 children throughout the state in 136 school districts at 227 sites. In 2023, legislative action secured permanent ongoing funding for 7,160 seats funded between FY17-FY24 and approved additional funding for 5,200 new seats that will be made permanent by FY26.  All districts participate in an annual application process to renew currently funded seats or request new seats as legislatively determined funds become available.

If your district has VPK or SRP funding, or if you are looking for more information, please view the Resources for Funded Programs webpage.

Student Eligibility

To participate in VPK, all children who meet the age requirement are eligible to participate free of charge. Due to enrollment caps on program allocations, districts may develop criteria giving enrollment priority to students with risk factors.
To participate in SRP free of charge, a child must meet the age requirement and also meet one or more of the following risk factors:
  • Qualifies for free or reduced-price lunch.
  • Is an English learner.
  • Is homeless.
  • Has an individualized Education Program (IEP) or interagency intervention plan.
  • Is identified through health and development screening with a potential risk factor.
  • Is in foster care.

Please note for SRP programs:

  • A child who is 4 years of age as of September 1 and who does not demonstrate any of those risk factors is eligible to participate on a fee-for-service basis.
  • A district must adopt a sliding fee schedule for students not demonstrating risk factors but must waive fee for participants unable to pay.
  • School districts and charter schools must use SRP aid for eligible children.