
RFP: American Indian Child Welfare


To provide social services focusing on placement prevention and family reunification services for American Indian children

Posted: 10-29-2024

Proposals due: 12-27-2024


The Minnesota Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), Child Safety and Permanency Administration, is seeking proposals from qualified responders consistent with the federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), 25 U.S.C. § 1901, et. seq., and the Minnesota Indian Family Preservation Act, Minnesota Statutes, sections 260.751 to 260.835. 

These include social services activities that focus on placement prevention and family reunification services for American Indian children. DCYF will prioritize Responder Proposals that develop a thorough plan of approach to improve overall American Indian family well-being by honoring traditional values and customs.

11-19-24 responders conference questions and answers (PDF) has additional details. 

Download the RFP (PDF)