
Family First


The 2018 Family First Prevention Services Act is a major piece of federal legislation that has changed the way child welfare services are provided in Minnesota. 

The act, known as Family First, gives states the ability to leverage federal funding to provide prevention services to children at risk of out-of-home placement – allowing children to remain safely in their homes by identifying and addressing families’ needs earlier in the process. When out-of-home placement is necessary, Family First supports placement in family foster homes. It establishes restrictions on out-of-home placements in congregate care, and requirements for residential treatment facilities.

Because children do best in families

Featured Image
Man holding his son and giving him a kiss

Features of Family First

Our plan calls for expanding supports for families under stress to prevent child abuse and neglect, and also to safely reduce the number of children and youth in children's residentail facilities. 

For updates on policy and practice changes

Visit PartnerLink, our website for county and tribal agencies. A page on Family First Prevention Services Act is updated regularly with information about Minnesota's implementation of the act.