About Parent Aware, Ratings and Standards and Indicators
Parent Aware is Minnesota’s voluntary Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). Child care programs that participate in Parent Aware volunteer for extra training, coaching and professional development to go above and beyond basic health and safety licensing requirements. Programs can receive a One- to Four-Star Rating based on research-based best practices, called Standards and Indicators.
Parent Aware began as a pilot in 2007. Since then, the Standards and Indicators have been updated twice to help ensure children receive the best care:
- In 2012, the Minnesota Legislature directed the state to use the pilot evaluation results to update the Standards and Indicators.
- In 2015, Parent Aware became available statewide. A second evaluation of the program was completed in February 2016. A process to update the Standards and Indicators was conducted alongside the evaluation, with the final set of updates released in October 2016 with implementation beginning in July 2017.
- This will be the third update to the Standards and Indicators.