
Parent Aware Redesign


Parent Aware is Minnesota’s Quality Rating and Improvement System for child care and early education programs. 

The Parent Aware Redesign is a multi-year effort to address inequities within the program and barriers for participating, to improve the system for families, children and early educators. The Parent Aware Redesign includes multiple projects and centers best practices and racial, cultural, linguistic, ability, gender and geographic equity. 

Featured Image
Daycare setting with three toddlers playing

Redesign goals 

The five goals of the Redesign stem from multiple public engagements with parents, early educators who have experienced barriers to Parent Aware, advocates, and community members whose concerns and ideas for changes are included in the Parent Aware Racial Equity Action Plan, the Parent Aware Equity Engagement Report  and the Parent Aware Equity Report.

The Parent Aware Redesign recommendations will be shared in December 2024. Implementation of decisions will be introduced in 2026. 

Redesign projects 

While the Parent Aware team works closely with state partners, the Parent Aware Redesign is not part of the Licensing Modernization or Provider Hub projects. The Parent Aware Redesign currently has eight projects. Projects with an * were identified by partners as priority racial equity projects and include those that were recommended in the Parent Aware Racial Equity Action Plan.

Redesign reports and summaries 

Documents are added as they are released.